About the Neurology Support Centre

The Neurology Support Centre is a charity based in the NorthWest of Ireland, aimed at supporting those affected by the impact of a neurological condition. Life-changing diagnoses affect not just ourselves, but those close to us - family and friends, colleagues and carers. It is possible to become overwhelmed with worries and stress. Often patients don’t want to burden their families with their fears, while family members hesitate to voice their own concerns to the patient. Although neurological conditions take many different forms, they share many common features and raise many similar issues for those affected. At the Neurology Support Centre, our wish is to provide support to everyone impacted. Contacting us could be the first step in easing your mind, and sharing the burden.


About the Neurology Support Centre

The Neurology Support Centre is a charity based in the NorthWest of Ireland, aimed at supporting those affected by the impact of a neurological condition.

Life-changing diagnoses affect not just ourselves, but those close to us - family and friends, colleagues and carers. It is possible to become overwhelmed with worries and stress. Often patients don’t want to burden their families with their fears, while family members hesitate to voice their own concerns to the patient.

Although neurological conditions take many different forms, they share many common features and raise many similar issues for those affected.

At the Neurology Support Centre, our wish to to provide support to everyone impacted. Contacting us could be the first step in easing your mind, and sharing the burden.

Our Focus Is On You

Our Focus Is On You

Our Focus

Our aim is to be a first-stop shop, so that whatever your condition you can contact us for advice and support. There are many fine organisations in Ireland representing the interests of those impacted by specific neurological condition such as MS, Parkinson’s, Epilepsy, Stroke, Huntington’s, etc. We support and supplement the work these organisations perform and can advise on any available national and regional supports.

We are also aware of those impacted by a rare neurological condition, where there is no national organisation for support. We are particularly keen to support all those who don’t know where else to turn when faced with the impact of any neurological condition.

For those living in the NorthWest, our onsite and local services are on offer. In addition, our own online support system Mpath is available to all those living on the island of Ireland affected by a neurological condition - whether patient, carer, family member or friend.

One comment we hear frequently from organisations and people dealing with neurological issues, is the lack of social outlets for people living with the impact of a neurological condition. Despite the best intentions of medical and other support personnel, sometimes the best comfort comes from talking to others who are in the same situation as you, and understand exactly what you are dealing with.

Once we are able to, we look forward to opening the doors of Molloway House and welcoming you in. And if transport is an issue, we have a wheelchair accessible van that can bring you to us, or can be used to travel to other appointments.

Whether you come for a soothing aromatherapy massage, an information meeting, or a drop-in session for a cup of tea and a chat, we aim to provide a relaxing and comforting environment, so that you leave us feeling nurtured and at ease.

When the unthinkable happens, the lighthouse is hope. Once we choose hope, everything is possible
- Christopher Reeve

Our Focus

Our aim is to be a first-stop shop, so that whatever your condition you can contact us for advice and support. There are many fine organisations in Ireland representing the interests of those impacted by specific neurological condition such as MS, Parkinson’s, Epilepsy, Stroke, Huntington’s, etc. We support and supplement the work these organisations perform and can advise on any available national and regional supports.

We are also aware of those impacted by a rare neurological condition, where there is no national organisation for support. We are particularly keen to support all those who don’t know where else to turn when faced with the impact of any neurological condition.

For those living in the NorthWest, our onsite and local services are on offer. In addition, our own online support system Mpath is available to all those living on the island of Ireland affected by a neurological condition - whether patient, carer, family member or friend.

One comment we hear frequently from organisations and people dealing with neurological issues, is the lack of social outlets for people living with the impact of a neurological condition. Despite the best intentions of medical and other support personnel, sometimes the best comfort comes from talking to others who are in the same situation as you, and understand exactly what you are dealing with.

Once we are able to, we look forward to opening the doors of Molloway House and welcoming you in. And if transport is an issue, we have a wheelchair accessible van that can bring you to us, or can be used to travel to other appointments.

Whether you come for a soothing aromatherapy massage, an information meeting, or a drop-in session for a cup of tea and a chat, we aim to provide a relaxing and comforting environment, so that you leave us feeling nurtured and at ease.

When the unthinkable happens, the lighthouse is hope. Once we choose hope, everything is possible
- Christopher Reeve

Would you like to talk to us?

Contact us with any comment or query, or to avail of our services

Would you like to talk to us?

Contact us with any comment or query, or register to avail of our Mpath service